Marilyn Manson 2001-10-08

Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium

Recording Details

Media Format: HD (PAL720p/MP3)
Media Count: 1
Type: PRO
Length: 72 min
Rating: A
Source: TV (Euro1080 HD1)
Generation: DVB > ? > AVI
Info: not tradeable


  • Count To Six And Die
  • Irresponsible Hate Anthem
  • The Reflecting God
  • Great Big White World
  • Disposable Teens
  • The Fight Song
  • The Nobodies
  • Rock Is Dead
  • The Dope Show
  • Cruci-Fiction In Space
  • Sweet Dreams/Hell Outro
  • The Love Song
  • Antichrist Superstar
  • The Beautiful People
  • Astonishing Panorama Of The Endtimes
  • Lunchbox


This was broadcasted sometime between 2004 and 2008 on the first European HDTV channel HD1 (provided by Euro1080) and was published in 2009 as "Guns, God and Government" Blu-ray. Since HD1 broadcasted in 1080i MPEG2 (and later also MPEG4) video with 5.1 DD audio, this version has obviously been re-encoded to 720p DivX with MP3 audio. Low video encoding quality with compression artifacts present throughout.

No trades due to commercial availability.


2001-10-08 Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium Screenshot 12001-10-08 Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium Screenshot 22001-10-08 Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium Screenshot 32001-10-08 Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium Screenshot 42001-10-08 Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium Screenshot 52001-10-08 Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium Screenshot 62001-10-08 Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium Screenshot 72001-10-08 Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium Screenshot 82001-10-08 Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium Screenshot 92001-10-08 Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium Screenshot 102001-10-08 Los Angeles, CA - Olympic Auditorium Screenshot 11

File Details

File nameSize (in bytes)SizeMD5 checksum
Marilyn Manson_Euro1080.avi38786309943.61 GB4475a1d95836e6cc7f792609c318dcc2
md5sum.md5177177 bytes21d590dcb87ff14bca0df223319f0cd7

all recordings of this show

lossless (CDR) *1 78 minB-ECM-ZS90 > MD-MT821MD(M) > CDR(2)AUD
lossless (FLAC16/44.1) *n/a 80 minBSony WM-D6CS(M) > FLACsource #2AUD
DVD (NTSC/MP2) *1 73 minA+TVVID(1) > DVDR(1)PRO
HD (PAL720p/MP3) * (this)1 72 minATV (Euro1080 HD1)DVB > ? > AVIPRO
* best/preferred version of recording source

added: 2008-10-25 15:33:23, updated 2023-10-26 15:27:31