Marilyn Manson 1999-04-04

Philadelphia, PA - First Union Spectrum

Recording Details

Media Format: lossless (FLAC16/44.1)
Media Count: 2
Type: AUD
Length: 85 min
Rating: B+
Source: DAT, possibly CSCs > Sony PCM-M1
Generation: n/a
Info: n/a


  • intro: "inauguration of the mechanical christ"
  • the reflecting god
  • great big white world
  • get your gunn
  • mechanical animals
  • speed of pain
  • rock is dead
  • the dope show
  • lunchbox
  • user friendly
  • i dont like the drugs (but the drugs like me)
  • irresponsible hate anthem
  • antichrist superstar
  • the beautiful people
  • rock n roll nigger

Needs Replacement

This recording needs a replacement (reason: checksum error / FLAC decode error in track 14). Please get in touch if you can help.

Spectrum Analysis

1999-04-04 Philadelphia, PA - First Union Spectrum Audio Spectrum Analysis

File Details

File nameSize (in bytes)SizeMD5 checksum
1999.04.04 - Philadelphia, PA.md5791791 bytes730207577566a973b7b9d3af89e47b2a
mm1999.04.04 - Philadelphia, PA.txt411411 bytes95d992fb56f59ff299d68049c1401a57
Track01.flac1547782914.76 MBf5b96e8651d29d49d7193ebbe35e7d1d
Track02.flac3827436736.50 MBdfd21ae4b246c6d45dcabf59c67e8155
Track03.flac3557398533.93 MBd3b282b1f547a3a7f10718b0c9436e08
Track04.flac2640884925.19 MB1d8b3a4d1c4ec6e113f21865692e93e6
Track05.flac3316616831.63 MBb3b5687a0499a4c9b50ea7c122d5fb6d
Track06.flac3843327036.65 MB479cc612114088c8dc53f9dc3a75a8ab
Track07.flac3894163937.14 MBb1f72edbd3a31160d5ad6577659f27f1
Track08.flac4932923747.04 MB9d579c613c02ce0182f7c04b49420cd1
Track09.flac5354927751.07 MB352de3d4743f156cc3561ef485287585
Track10.flac4185585939.92 MB0b4dd3fd07ed8a69d971ffdeaf713ac7
Track11.flac3741694235.68 MB42fd68e3c674cee331af7995898bfcd4
Track12.flac3231742630.82 MB5c37cec98a1921d065b8451972a3b463
Track13.flac4016444038.30 MB5452469655e021c75a9d073b88962bad
Track14.flac3301250431.48 MBc741fb8cf9ad0f03b870531780d6d7cf
Track15.flac4091405039.02 MB1213046c1ddabf77952061bdf166cb1c

all recordings of this show

lossless (FLAC16/44.1) * (this)2 85 minB+DAT, possibly CSCs > Sony PCM-M1AUD
DVD (PAL/DD2.0)1 83 minCVHS(high) > DVDRAUD
DVD (NTSC/DD2.0) *1 83 minAVID(M) > DVDRAUD
* best/preferred version of recording source

added: 2007-04-17 20:28:27, updated 2023-10-23 20:11:41